
ASE News & Other News

The CEO of the ASE Mr. Jalil Tarif received a delegation from Al Quds University in Palestine during a visit to the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) and the Securities Depository Center (SDC). The Deputy CEO...
The total value of shares that were bought by Non-Jordanian investors since the beginning of the year 2011 until the end of April was JD268.6 million, representing 22.8% of the overall trading value, while the...
The ASE applied the provisions of the Listing Securities Directives after amending the provision of Article (12/b/1), in which companies that wish to reduce their capital by purchasing shares issued by them from the market...
The total value of shares that were bought by Non-Jordanian investors since the beginning of the year 2011 until the end of March was JD197.3 million, representing 21.6% of the overall trading value, while the...
The Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) has completed all technical requirements to change symbols of listed securities. It is worth mentioning that such change will not affect the historical information and disclosures contained on listed securities...
The total value of shares that were bought by Non-Jordanian investors since the beginning of the year 2011 until February was JD118.2 million, representing 19.0% of the overall trading value, while the value of shares...
The total value of shares that were bought by non-Jordanian investors during January 2011 was JD75.3million, representing 18.6% of the overall trading value, while the value of shares sold by them amounted to JD72.1million. As...
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) Mr. Jalil Tarif met the Chairman of the Board of Al-Isra' University Eng. Maher Al- Galaeini and the University President Prof. Numan Al- Khateeb. Holding...
The total value of shares that were bought by Non-Jordanian investors during the year 2010 was JD1036.6 million, representing 15.5% of the overall trading value, while the value of shares sold by them amounted to...
Mr. Jalil Tarif, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) said that the ASE ended trading transactions for the year 2010. During this year, the trading value reached JD6.7 billion compared to...