
Working hours of the ASE and trading hours during the holy month of Ramadan

On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, the ASE has decided to change the official working and trading hours as follows:

1. The working hours during the holy month of Ramadan will be from 09:30 to 15:00.

2. Trading hours during the holy month of Ramadan will be as follows:

First & Second Markets, Right Issues and Bonds Market




10:30 - ±11:00

10:55 - ±11:00





±11:00 - 13:00

±11:00 - 11:25

Continuous Trading

13:00 - 13:15

13:00 - 13:15

Block Trades


3. The official working and trading hours will be back to normal hours after the end of the holy month of Ramadan.